Boldface page numbers refer figures or tables
Adobe Bridge, 9; basic icons and features, 17–18; Batch Rename feature, 21, 21; Collections panel, 18; Compact mode, 20, 20; Content panel, 19–20; Export panel, 19, 19; Favorites panel, 18; Filter panel, 18; folders, 18; interface, 17; metadata and keywords panel, 20; Output panel, 21
Adobe Creative Suite 6, 5
Adobe Flash, 194, 261, 300–3, 301–2, 304
Adobe Illustrator CS, see also Adobe Bridge: Auto-Collapse Iconic Panels option, 14; Brightness Level option, 14
Adobe Illustrator CS6: 64-bit support, 6; Canvas Color option, 14; Clear button, 16; customizing workspace, 11–12; Edit menu, 15; Go To Conflict button, 16; gradient to strokes feature, 7, 7; image tracer feature, 7–8, 8; keyboard shortcuts, ...

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