Tree-Walk Kernels for Computer Vision
LEAR project-teamINRIA and LJK655, avenue de l’Europe38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin, FRANCE
SIERRA project-teamINRIA and LIENS23, avenue d’Italie75214 Paris Cedex 13, FRANCE
17.2 Tree-Walk Kernels as Graph Kernels
17.2.1 Paths, Walks, Subtrees and Tree-Walks
17.3 The Region Adjacency Graph Kernel as a Tree-Walk Kernel
17.3.1 Morphological Region Adjacency Graphs
17.3.2 Tree-Walk Kernels on Region Adjacency Graphs
17.4 The Point Cloud Kernel as a Tree-Walk Kernel
17.4.2 Positive Matrices and Probabilistic Graphical Models ...
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