The L*a*b* color model is based on opposite color theory and reference white point (Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982). It is independent of devices used, and is suitable for applications with natural illumination. L*, a*, b* are nonlinearly related to R, G, B, through the middle terms X, Y, Z(tri-stimulus):

X=0.4902R+0.3099G+0.1999B ( 8.54 )

Y=0.1770R+0.8123G+0.0107B ( 8.55 )

Z=0.0000R+0.0101G+0.9899B ( 8.56 )

L*, a*, b* are then computed by

L ={ 116 ( Y/ Y 0 ) 1/3 16 if Y/ Y 0 >0.008856 903.3 ( Y/ Y 0 ) 1/3 if Y/ Y 0 >0.008856 ( 8.57 )

a =500[ f( X/ X 0 )f( Y/ Y 0 ) ] ( 8.58 )

b =200[ f( Y/ Y 0 )f( Z/ Z 0 ) ] ( 8.59 )


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