
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate a figure on the corresponding page.

2L-Cube microphone array 235236

5.1-channel configuration (3–2 stereo) 183184, 188190, 203, 204

7.1-channel configuration 190

10.2-channel configuration 190191

40 Part Motet (Cardiff) 45

ABC recording technique 78

absolute distance perception 24

AC-3 encoding 193

a cappella vocal music 43

acoustic barrier recording 7677, 77

acoustic curtain 311, 312, 319

acoustic scene analysis technique 320

acoustic trackers 105

acoustic waves 303307

A-Format 299300

‘Ambiophonic’ concept 183184

Ambisonics 53, 237, 276, 277278, 293294

amphitheaters 4142

amplitude panning concept 210

amplitude panning strategies 252

analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) 321

analytical band-assembled ...

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