Chapter 7. Aligning with the Experience Planes

In this chapter, you will learn how to separate the responsibilities between different functional areas in your Data Mesh. You will discover the infrastructure experience plane, data product experience plane, and mesh experience plane. You will also find out how communication between planes works. Each experience plane has its own set of capabilities, and we will describe the most popular ones. Finally, we will walk you through one of these capabilities, feedback loops, which include the user feedback loop and the system feedback loop.

The Three Planes

Let’s first look at the three planes stacked together: infrastructure experience, data product experience, and mesh experience. Then, we’ll drill down deeper into each one.

Splitting the implementation into three groups will drastically simplify the organization and cognitive loads of your team. As you’ll see throughout this chapter, each plane will focus on a different aspect:

Infrastructure experience plane

The infrastructure experience plane focuses on the data containers, producers, warehouses, and so on.

Data product experience plane

Data products live in their own plane of existence (the data product experience plane) to ensure isolation and evolutivity without interference.

Mesh experience plane

The mesh experience plane allows the meshing (or interconnection) of the data products as well as mesh-level tooling.

Figure 7-1 shows the three planes stacked together. In ...

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