© Peter De Tender 2016

Peter De Tender, Implementing Operations Management Suite, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1979-9_9

9. Azure Site Recovery: Recovery Plans and Advanced Configurations

Peter De Tender

(1)Daknam, Belgium

After going through the exercises in Chapters 7 and 8 (nice one if you did both!), you know the basics of Azure Site Recovery plans. But you just touched the surface.

In this chapter, you will learn how to make your recovery plans more intelligent, how to structure your failover VMs in groups and why, and how to integrate automation scripts into your failover plan. So for the first time in this book, you will meet your future best friend—PowerShell.

As part of what I call “advanced configurations ,” you will also learn how to set up a site-to-site ...

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