22Use Improv Techniques
This chapter was contributed by two improvisational actors, Dan Dumsha and Angela Galanopoulos. When I decided to write this book, I knew I wanted to tap the expertise of the masters of improv—those who stand up on the stage and face friendly (and sometimes tough) audiences night after night. With that in mind, I turned to Dan, a longtime instructor in The Humphrey Group with extensive experience in improvisational comedy. In good collaborative fashion, he asked fellow improv actor Angela Galanopoulos to cowrite this chapter with him. The techniques they share will help you learn to be “in the moment” and discover how to create collaborative conversations with fulfilling outcomes.
Why Improv Techniques for Leaders?
We improvise every day of our lives. We spend considerable time with others in on‐the‐fly interactions, creating as we go. Yet, when it comes to impromptu speaking in business settings, many people panic, worrying that they could say the wrong thing or look silly. Indeed, giving an impromptu toast for a colleague can be a minefield, as can answering a tough question on the spot. And the stakes are high—audiences have long memories for our slips of the tongue—and that can cause still more fear when speaking impromptu on the corporate stage.
The good news is that there are techniques from improvisational theater that can dramatically improve your spontaneous communications. Improvisational theater has been around for decades and has gained ...
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