230 IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment: A Practical Guide to IMS Connectivity
boolean convEnded; (Output)
boolean asyncOutputAvailable; (Output)
New properties and property values can be added to support additional function in later
releases of IMS Connector for Java. The IMSInteractionSpec object has getter and setter
methods for all properties. We explain these properties later.
Input record
IMS Connector for Java views the JCA input record as a Java byte array, in a well-defined
encoding and containing the fields of the IMS transaction input message in the right order, at
the correct offset, with the required length, and aligned as expected by the IMS application
program that is invoked. In JCA, this byte array has to be a Java object that implements two
CCI interfaces:
This record can be built using the tooling wizards of an integrated development environment
such as WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition or Rational Application
Developer, or your Java application can build the input record without using tooling.
Output record
The output record implements the same CCI interfaces as the input record. For some IMS
transactions, there are additional considerations for the output record. An IMS application
program can return one of a number of possible output messages. An IMS application
program can also return a variable length output message. Variable length output messages
include multiple segment output messages and output messages containing arrays with a
variable number of elements. In these cases, the Java application must include special logic
to process the output message. This logic is illustrated in samples provided by IMS
Connector for Java. You can find the samples at the following Web page:
12.2.5 Security
The JCA security contract uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
Subject class to provide security information. When a new ManagedConnection is created,
the createManagedConnection() method is passed a Subject instance. The connection uses
the Subject when it attempts to sign on to the EIS. A Subject contains information about the
principal, or name, of the Subject, along with information about the security credentials held
by the principal.
JCA v1.0 defines two types of credentials:
A GenericCredential is a Java wrapper, representing a specific security mechanism, such
as a Kerberos credential.
A PasswordCredential holds user name and password information.
An application server supporting JCA v1.0 must provide implementations of both of these
interfaces. In JCA v1.5, the GenericCredential interface has been deprecated but is still
usable. The recommended replacement interface, the org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredentialinterface in
J2SE™ v1.4, is not yet fully supported by WebSphere Application Server for z/OS nor by IMS
Connector for Java. As a result, the GenericCredential interface continues to be used by
WebSphere Application Server for z/OS and IMS Connector for Java.

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