Chapter 15. IMS Connect client diagnostics 305
– If the original interaction was running under commit mode 1, and the sync level was set
to CONFIRM or SYNCPT, the transaction is backed out and the region abends with
– If the original interaction was running under commit mode 0, the transaction is
committed and the response will be deemed undeliverable. The response is:
• Purged (discarded) if you specified PURGE NOT DELIVERABLE in the IRM
• Rerouted to the specified or default destination if you specified REROUTE in the
IRM header.
• Queued to the asynchronous hold queue of the Tpipe corresponding to the clientID
used for the interaction.
15.3.2 OTMA protocol error (reason code 36)
You will encounter this error when your program sends a message to IMS Connect that is out
of sequence with the input that IMS Connect expects. For example, IMS Connect will send
this error if you send a new request when it is waiting for an ACK for the previous request.
Example 15-8 shows an example of such an error, as it appears in the IMS Connect system
Example 15-8 IMS Connect JES2 log OTMA protocol error message
If you have IMS Connect Extensions installed, use its trace analysis features to diagnose this
problem. If you do not have IMS Connect Extensions, you can use the recorder trace to learn
the sequence of events previous to the error.
15.3.3 Other errors
In general, the steps to diagnose a failing IMS Connect application are more or less the
Look at the SYSLOG and the SYSPRINT of the IMS Connect you are using. If you find an
error message there, look for this message in IMS Connect Guide and Reference,
Note: The CANCEL TIMER mechanism is intended to free a clientID that is blocked
because a client program was prematurely disconnected, perhaps because of a
network failure. Do
not rely on CANCEL TIMER to avoid the DUPECLNT error after a
socket timeout caused by an incorrect timeout value. Always set the socket timeout to a
value greater than the IRM_TIMER value. If you use CANCEL TIMER to systematically
address problems due to the incorrect settings of the socket timeout, IRM
TIMER/ExecutionTimeout, or IMS Connect TIMEOUT, you will encounter performance
Note: If you are using IMS Connector for Java Version 2.2.2 or earlier, you will see this
error message (and the corresponding IMS Connector for Java exception) if you send a
transaction that generates multiple IOPCB responses under commit mode 0. Update your
IMS Connector for Java resource adapter to Version 2.2.3,,, or later.