Chapter 16. IMS MFS Web Services 323
b. The MFS Importer wizard specifies the input and output messages for your new
operation. The wizard reads the MFS source file and parses it. If the MFS source file
successfully parses, the MFS Importer wizard generates XML Metadata Interchange
(XMI) files. The XMI files represent information about the application interface that is
encapsulated by the MFS source, including:
• Input and output message fields (MID/DIF, MOD/DOF)
• Display information
• MFS flow control
• Device characteristics
• Operation semantics
c. The MFS Importer wizard populates the input and output XML Schema Definition
Language (XSD) fields in the interface WSDL file and adds binding information to the
binding WSDL file.
3. Generate the deploy code for the service. The deploy code includes the session bean that
handles client requests to the service and deploy classes that allow your session bean to
operate on an EJB server.
4. Deploy the service and supporting files to a production server and publicize the service by
a Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry. Client applications can
then use the service to access information in your MFS-based transaction.
16.3 IMS MFS Web Services supported features
IMS MFS Web Services supports the following MFS features:
Application output with MOD name
At runtime, an application program can change the format that is used to map the current
output message by passing back a MOD name. The MFS runtime component uses this
MOD name to format the output.
Logical pages
You can select a specific logical page that is associated with the MID to use for input. For
output, an output message is defined with one or more logical pages (LPAGE). Each
LPAGE relates one segment, or a series of segments, produced by an application program
to a corresponding device format.
Physical pages
A logical page can contain one or more physical pages. Physical paging allows data from
a logical page to be displayed in several physical pages on the device. For display devices,
the size of a physical page is defined by the screen capacity (the number of lines and
columns that can be referred to).
Message option 1 and 2 (input)
Message option 1 depends on whether a fill character of NULL has been defined. When
NO field in an option 1 message is defined as having a fill character of null:
– The message always contains the defined number of segments.
– Each segment is of the defined length and contains all defined fields.
– All fields are filled with data, data and fill characters, or fill characters.