34 IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment: A Practical Guide to IMS Connectivity
3.1 Introduction to IMS Connect
IMS Connect is an integrated feature of IMS Version 9 that provides high-performance
communications for IMS between one or more TCP/IP or local z/OS clients and one or more
IMS systems. IMS Connect has the following features:
Provides commands to manage the communication environment
Assists with workload balancing
Supports multiple TCP/IP clients accessing multiple datastore resources
Reduces design and coding efforts for client applications
Offers easier e-business access to IMS applications and operations with advanced
security and transactional integrity
IMS Connect is included as part of IMS Version 9 in the IMS system services function
modification identifier (FMID) HMK9900. To provide the same function between one or more
TCP/IP clients and one or more IMS Version 7 or IMS Version 8 clients, IMS Connect is also
available as one of the IBM DB2 UDB and IMS Tools products, IMS Connect Version 2,
Release 2 (program number 5655-K52). IMS Connect Version 2.2 will continue to be
supported for IMS Version 7 and IMS Version 8 clients, but future enhancements to the IMS
Connect functionality will be made available only with IMS Version 9 or later.
The IMS Connect architecture is designed to support any TCP/IP clients communicating with
socket calls. IMS Connect supports TCP/IP sockets access to IMS transactions and
commands. It does not require modifications to the existing IMS transactions.
IMS Connect also supports the TCP/IP clients using the IMS Connector for Java. The IMS
Connector for Java is a collection of Java beans that enable a Java application to
communicate data requests through TCP/IP and the IMS Connect to IMS. IMS Connect with
WebSphere Development Tooling and the IMS Connector for Java can significantly ease the
development of on demand business solutions that access IMS transactions. These solutions
can be deployed in IBM WebSphere Application Server, allowing you to use Web
applications, Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications, or Web services to
quickly transform static Web sites into sources of dynamic Web content.
IMS Connect with IBM DB2 Version 8, the Universal Database Control Center provides a
single graphical user interface to control both IMS and DB2, easing IMS operations.
3.2 IMS Connect architecture
IMS Connect runs in an address space on a z/OS system and performs router functions
between TCP/IP clients and local option clients with IMS. Figure 3-1 on page 35 shows an
overview of the IMS Connect architecture and introduces the IMS Connect components.
Terminology: By IMS Connect in this redbook, we refer to the integrated IMS Connect
function of IMS Version 9
and IMS Connect Version 2.2, unless explicitly indicated