Chapter 8. IMS Connect security 113
8.2.2 User verification
After IMS Connect has successfully joined the XCF group and connected as an OTMA client
to IMS, you have the option to let IMS Connect do RACF user ID and password verification of
each client on a per-message basis. This facility is driven by the RACF=Y | N parameter, as
specified in the HWSCFG configuration file. See 4.3.4, “Creating the IMS Connect
configuration member” on page 47 for an example.
You can modify the RACF status by using the IMS Connect command SETRACF=ON |
OFF. See 5.1.6, “SETRACF” on page 66 for an example. The user ID and password can
be set up in one of two places:
The originating client can build and send the security data as part of the message that is
sent to IMS Connect through TCP/IP.
The user message exit that gets driven after IMS Connect received the complete message
from the TCP/IP client.
After IMS Connect receives control back from the user message exit and the RACF= option is
set to Y, IMS Connect issues the RACF call to verify the user ID and password. If not
authorized, the message is rejected and sent back to the originating client.
8.2.3 User exit security
The last option available with IMS Connect security is available in the user exit that is driven
by IMS Connect after the complete message has been received from the TCP/IP client. This
option is really open ended to such a degree that the user exit can perform any data
manipulation, or checking that it wants to do, which can include RACF verification or any other
security verification that the author of the exit wants to implement and execute. This is totally
separate from the optional user ID and password verification performed by IMS Connect, as
discussed previously in this chapter.
8.2.4 Local option security
To configure security for the local option using RACF, you must add HWS.IMSConnect_name
as the SAF FACILITY class name (whether you configured security with the IMS Connect
configuration member or the SETRACF command). IMSConnect_name is how IMS Connect
is defined in the ID parameter of the HWS statement in the IMS Connect configuration
member. The resource that must access IMS Connect is WebSphere Application Server, and
UPDATE authority is required to update the RACF profile.
8.3 OTMA security
OTMA provides various levels of security checking that can be implemented, which is
independent of the optional RACF verification that can be performed by IMS Connect. OTMA
verifies security in two instances:
1. When a client bids to connect
2. When an input message from a client is processed
Note: IMS Connect Extensions provide RACF identification and authorization caching.
This can dramatically improve IMS Connect performance. See Chapter 11, “IMS Connect
Extensions” on page 155 for details.