128 IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment: A Practical Guide to IMS Connectivity
Non-IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 2
Table 9-9 shows the input message format supported by IMS Connect from a non-IMS
Connector for Java client. In this section, we provide a description of this structure from the
point of view of an IMS Connect systems programmer. If you are interested in a description
for a client applications programmer, refer to 14.2, “IMS Connect message structures” on
page 268.
Table 9-9 Non-IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 2
ZZ 2 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
DATA n User data.
Repeat OTMA CTL header, LL, ZZ, DATA for all segments.
OTMA CTL headers 20 See OTMA DSECT member HWSOMPFX in
IMS.SDFSMAC library for a description.
LL 2 (binary) Length of data segment.
ZZ 2 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
DATA n User data.
Field Length (bytes) Meaning
IIII 4 (binary) Length of entire message, including lll field.
The first 28 bytes represent the fixed IRM header.
IRM_LL 2 (binary) Length of IMS Connector for Java interface header,
including LLZZ field.
IRM_ARCH 1 (binary) Architectural level:
X'00' Base support
X'01' Required space for IRM_REROUT_NM field
IRM_F0 1 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
IRM_ID 8 (character) Char value of the identifier of the user exit:
Reserved 4 (binary) Reserved for future use.
IRM_F5 1 (binary) Input message type and RESUME TPIPE processing:
1000 .... : OTMA headers built by client
0100 .... : Translation done by client
0000 .... : OTMA header built and translation done
by user exit (default)
.... 0000 : No auto flow of messages
.... 0001 : Single message
.... 0010 : Auto flow of messages
.... 0100 : No auto flow of messages
IRM_TIMER 1 (binary) Receive after ACK/RESUME TPIPE wait time.
Field Length