Chapter 9. IMS Connect user exit support 127
9.4 Message structures between IMS Connect and user exits
The following tables show details of these different message structures.
9.4.1 Input message from client and passed to exit
Input messages from the client consist of IMS Connector for Java and non-IMS Connector for
Java message structures.
IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 1
Table 9-8 shows the input message format supported by IMS Connect from an IMS
Connector for Java client.
Table 9-8 IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 1
Field Length
IIII 4 (binary) Length of entire message, including lll field.
The first 28 bytes represent the fixed IRM header.
IRM_LL 2 (binary) Length of IMS Connector for Java interface header,
including LLZZ field.
IRM_ARCH 1 (binary) Architectural level:
'00' Base support
'01' Required space for IRM_REROUT_NM field.
IRM_F0 1 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
IRM_ID 8 (character) Char value of *HWSJAV*.
Reserved 4 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
IRM_F5 1 (binary) Binary value for input message type. In case of HWSJAVA0,
set to X
IRM_TIMER 1 (character) N/A for HWSJAVA0.
IRM_SOCT 1 (binary) Socket connection type. The client can set this value as
'00' Transaction socket
X'10' Persistent socket
IRM_RSV02 1 (binary) Reserved for future use. Set to binary zeros.
IRM_CLIENTID 8 (character) Char value of a unique clientID.
End of IRM header.
OTMA header 466 See OTMA DSECT member HWSOMPFX in
IMS.SDFSMAC library for a description.
LL 2 (binary) Length of data segment.
ZZ 2 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
DATA n User data.
OTMA CTL headers 20 See OTMA DSECT member HWSOMPFX in
IMS.SDFSMAC library for a description.
LL 2 (binary) Length of data segment.
128 IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment: A Practical Guide to IMS Connectivity
Non-IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 2
Table 9-9 shows the input message format supported by IMS Connect from a non-IMS
Connector for Java client. In this section, we provide a description of this structure from the
point of view of an IMS Connect systems programmer. If you are interested in a description
for a client applications programmer, refer to 14.2, “IMS Connect message structures” on
page 268.
Table 9-9 Non-IMS Connector for Java message structure, type 2
ZZ 2 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
DATA n User data.
Repeat OTMA CTL header, LL, ZZ, DATA for all segments.
OTMA CTL headers 20 See OTMA DSECT member HWSOMPFX in
IMS.SDFSMAC library for a description.
LL 2 (binary) Length of data segment.
ZZ 2 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
DATA n User data.
Field Length (bytes) Meaning
IIII 4 (binary) Length of entire message, including lll field.
The first 28 bytes represent the fixed IRM header.
IRM_LL 2 (binary) Length of IMS Connector for Java interface header,
including LLZZ field.
IRM_ARCH 1 (binary) Architectural level:
X'00' Base support
X'01' Required space for IRM_REROUT_NM field
IRM_F0 1 (binary) Reserved (set to binary zeros).
IRM_ID 8 (character) Char value of the identifier of the user exit:
Reserved 4 (binary) Reserved for future use.
IRM_F5 1 (binary) Input message type and RESUME TPIPE processing:
1000 .... : OTMA headers built by client
0100 .... : Translation done by client
0000 .... : OTMA header built and translation done
by user exit (default)
.... 0000 : No auto flow of messages
.... 0001 : Single message
.... 0010 : Auto flow of messages
.... 0100 : No auto flow of messages
IRM_TIMER 1 (binary) Receive after ACK/RESUME TPIPE wait time.
Field Length

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