Acer, 120
AIG, 22
Alcatel-Lucent, 65
Alipay, 265
Allen, Paul, 107–108
alternative energy, 25–26, see also clean energy
Amazon, 264
AMD, 108
American Insurance Assurance (AIA), 178, 181, 182
American International Group (AIG), 178
Amerilink Telecom Corporation, 65–66
anti-dumping duties, 80, 95–98
AOL Time Warner, 104
Apple, 7, 107, 109, 256, 267–268, 281
ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence, 246
Awilco, 56
Bain Capital, 241
Bank of America, 200
Bank of China, 179
Bank of Communications, 179
Beijing Benz Automotive Co., Ltd., 272
Beijing Daheng, 222
Best Buy, 240
Bethlehem ...
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