CHAPTER 3Precision: From Instinctive to Intentional
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Essayist
Our whole lives are dedicated to getting what we want, yet we often don't know what we want. This is especially true in circumstances when you are out of your power. In the crunch the first thing we want is just relief. The plea in your mind is, “Just make them stop it!”
Gaining clarity about the outcome you want in any situation in which you feel out of your power is the first step to getting off your heels and starting to move the situation in a forward direction. Refocusing your vision on the positive outcome you seek breaks the hold of the stress response on your brain, which has been fixing your attention on a running list of all the things that are wrong about the situation. You might have even lost any vision of a better future, captured by thoughts like “It's never going to feel different than it feels now.” You make imagined futures based on the way you feel now and forecast unwanted outcomes: “I don't think I can take this anymore. I might have to leave.”
In order to eject yourself from the vortex of being out of your power, you have to have a clear picture of the future you want and the role you play in it. In the portal of Precision, you will develop this clarity and know how to start participating in situations on your own terms.
The Three Questions for Creating New Outcomes When Out of Your ...
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