Note: This appendix is a alphabetical list of all the typical inputs and outputs that appear in the IPO diagrams in this handbook. Sources of descriptions are as indicated. These typical inputs and outputs represent “a” way that the SE processes can be performed, but not necessarily “the” way that they must be performed. Other related terms and definitions can be found in Appendix B.

Typical Input/Output Description
Accepted system or system element System or system element (product or service) accepted by an acquirer from a supplier consistent with the delivery conditions of the supply agreement.
Acquired system or system element System or system element (product or service) delivered to the acquirer from a supplier consistent with the delivery conditions of the acquisition agreement.
Acquisition agreement Mutual acknowledgment of terms and conditions under which a working relationship is conducted between an acquirer and a supplier. (Adapted from ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, 2023).
Acquisition need Identified need that cannot be met within the organization encountering the need or a need that can be met in a more economical way by a supplier.
Acquisition payment Payments or other compensations for an acquired system.
Acquisition records/artifacts Permanent, readable form of data, information, or knowledge related to acquisition.
Acquisition report An account prepared for interested parties in order to communicate the status, ...

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