Book description
Now that you've finally figured out that InDesign's increasingly tight integration with the rest of Adobe's creative products will enable you to work more creatively and efficiently, all you want to do is get up to speed on it--yesterday, if possible! Enter InDesign CS for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide. Using the task-based, visual approach that has become the hallmark Peachpit's popular Visual QuickStart Guides, this volume provides a fast, easy, comprehensive introduction to everything InDesign. You'll learn about all aspects of the InDesign interface, including its tools and palettes, as well as how to create and navigate documents, import and style text and objects, automate your work, manage long documents, use the Bezier pen tools, and work with color. You'll also find complete coverage of more advanced topics (like preflighting and advanced text control) and a thorough introduction to all of InDesign CS' new features: an updated Story Editor, nested styles, separation previews, and the Package for GoLive command.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- Thanks to
- Colophon
- Introduction
1. Getting Started
Choosing Palettes
- Align palette
- Attributes palette
- Bookmarks palette
- Character palette
- Character Styles palette
- Color palette
- Control palette
- Flattener Preview palette
- Glyphs palette
- Gradient palette
- Hyperlinks palette
- Index palette
- Info palette
- Layers palette
- Library palette
- Links palette
- Navigator palette
- Pages palette
- Paragraph palette
- Paragraph Styles palette
- Pathfinder palette
- Script Label palette
- Scripts palette
- Separations Preview palette
- Story palette
- Stroke palette
- Swatches palette
- Table palette
- Tabs palette
- Tags palette
- Text Wrap palette
- Transform palette
- Transparency palette
- Trap Presets palette
Working with Palettes
- To open a palette:
- To close a palette:
- To hide palettes:
- To display the palette menus:
- To reveal the palette options:
- To shrink a palette display:
- To expand a palette display:
- To display small palette rows:
- To nest palettes:
- To unnest palettes:
- To create a side tab:
- To collapse and expand side tabs:
- To dock a palette:
- To undock palettes:
- Using Workspaces
- Using the Toolbox
- Using Contextual Menus
Choosing Palettes
2. Document Setup
- Starting Documents
- Choosing Layout Options
- Changing Layout Options
- Using the Document Presets
- Using Document Rulers
Working with Guides
- To change the guide preferences:
- To show and hide guides:
- To make objects snap to guides:
- To move column guides:
- To create ruler guides:
- To create rows and columns using guides:
- To reposition ruler guides:
- To move existing ruler guides:
- To delete ruler guides:
- To lock guides:
- To change the appearance of ruler guides:
- Working With Document Grids
- Changing the Magnification
- View and Pasteboard Controls
- Using the Zoom and Hand Tools
- Using the Navigator Palette
- Controlling Windows
File Maintenance
- To save and name a file (Win):
- To save and name a file (Mac):
- To create a copy of a document:
- To go back to the saved version of a document:
- To undo the steps you have done:
- To redo the steps you have done:
- To close a document:
- To recover a file:
- To open a file within InDesign:
- To open recently saved documents:
3. Basic Text
- Creating Text Frames
- Typing Text
- Selecting Text
- Moving and Deleting Text
- Using the Character Palette
- Setting the Typeface and Point Size
- Styling Text
- Setting Line and Character Spacing
- Applying Text Distortions
- Setting the Language
- Applying Paragraph Formatting
- Setting Alignment and Indents
- Inserting a Manual Indent
- Setting Paragraph Effects
- Using the Text Utilities
- Working with Text Flow
- Setting Text Frame Controls
- Using the Control Palette for Text
- Using Special Text Characters
- Windows Commands
- Macintosh Commands
4. Working with Objects
- Types of Frames
- Creating Basic Shapes
- Selecting Objects
- Moving Objects
- Replicating Objects
- Resizing Objects
Using the Transform Tools
- To control the effect of the transform tools:
- To control the transformation point:
- To scale objects visually using the Scale tool:
- To scale objects using the Scale command:
- To scale objects numerically using the Scale tool:
- To rotate objects visually using the Rotation tool:
- To rotate objects using the rotate command:
- To rotate objects numerically using the Rotate tool:
- To shear objects visually using the Shear tool:
- To shear objects using the shear command:
- To shear objects numerically using the Shear tool:
- To scale using the Free Transform tool:
- To rotate using the Free Transform tool:
Using the Transform Palette
- To open the Transform palette:
- To set the Transform palette reference point:
- To move an object with the Transform palette:
- To resize with the Transform palette:
- To resize proportionally:
- To scale with the Transform palette:
- To scale proportionally with the Transform palette:
- To rotate with the Transform palette:
- To shear with the Transform palette:
- Using the Transform Palette Menu
- Using the Arrange Commands
- Aligning Objects
Grouping and Pasting Into Objects
- To group objects:
- To nest groups:
- To select objects within groups:
- To use commands to select objects within groups:
- To ungroup objects:
- To paste an object into another:
- To select just the container object:
- To select just the content object:
- To move only the content object:
- To move only the container:
- To move the pasted-in content and the container:
- To remove a pasted-in content:
- To swap one pasted-in content for another:
- Using the Control Palette for Objects
- Using the Measurement Tool
- Using the Info Palette with Objects
- Locking Objects
- Selecting Frames
5. Working in Color
- The Basics of Color
- Using the Color Palette
Defining and Storing Swatches
- To work with the Swatches palette:
- To add a color to the Swatches palette:
- To drag colors into the Swatches palette:
- To define a new color swatch:
- To modify a color swatch:
- To apply a swatch color:
- To delete swatches:
- To delete all unused swatches:
- To merge swatches:
- To move swatches to new positions:
- To duplicate a swatch:
- To import swatches from other documents:
- To name unnamed colors:
- To create default colors:
- Using Swatch Libraries
- Creating Mixed Inks
- Creating Tints
- Creating Gradient Swatches
- Using the Eyedropper
- Overprinting Colors
6. Styling Objects
- Applying Fills
Applying Stroke Effects
- To apply a stroke to an object:
- To drag stroke effects onto objects:
- To swap the fill and stroke settings:
- To apply a stroke to selected text:
- To apply a stroke to all the text in a frame:
- To apply a gradient stroke:
- To work with the Stroke palette:
- To set the stroke weight (thickness):
- To reset the stroke weight:
- To set the caps and joins:
- To set the miter limit:
- To set the alignment of a stroke:
- To apply stroke styles to strokes:
- To set a stroke gap color:
- To create custom dashed strokes:
- Creating Custom Stroke Styles
- Adding Arrows and Corner Effects
- Applying Transparency
- Adding Drop Shadows and Feathers
- Using the Pathfinder Commands
- Using the Eyedropper
- Setting Object Defaults
- 7. Pen and Bezier Tools
8. Imported Graphics
- Placing Artwork
- Specialty Frames
- Setting Image Import Options
- Working with Images Inside Frames
- Fitting Graphics in Frames
- Nesting Graphic Elements
- Inline Graphics
- Styling Placed Images
- Linking Graphics
- Embedding Graphics
Using Clipping Paths
- To import a file with a clipping path:
- To modify the shape of a clipping path:
- To convert a clipping path into a frame:
- To choose a path as an InDesign clipping path:
- To create a clipping path from an image:
- To choose an alpha channel as a clipping path:
- To modify the effects of a clipping path:
- To delete the clipping path around an image:
- Importing Transparent Images
- Viewing Images
- Applying Effects to Images
- 9. Text Effects
10. Pages and Books
- Changing the Pages Palette
- Adding Blank Pages
- Navigating Pages
- Creating and Separating Spreads
- Importing Text
- Flowing Text
- Creating Text Breaks
Working with Master Pages
- To add objects to a master page:
- To create new master pages:
- To convert a document page to a master page:
- To apply a new master to a page:
- To apply masters with the Pages palette:
- To base masters on existing masters:
- To modify master elements on document pages:
- To release all master elements on a page:
- To separate an item from the master item:
- To separate all the master items on a page:
- To change the display of master page items:
- To remove local overrides and reapply the master:
- Adjusting Layouts
- Working with Page Numbers
Making Books
- To create an electronic book file:
- To add documents to a book:
- To remove documents from a book:
- To open documents in a book:
- To change the order of the documents in a book:
- To set the style source for a book document:
- To synchronize files to the style source:
- To set the synchronizing options:
- To update files in a book:
- To replace a file in a book:
- To set how page numbers are adjusted:
- To set the numbers for each document in a book:
- To force the pagination in a book:
- To print a book:
- To preflight a book:
- To package a book:
- To export the book files as a PDF:
- To control what parts of a book are changed:
Creating a Table of Contents
- To prepare a document for a table of contents:
- To define the styles for TOC entries:
- To generate the TOC:
- To enter the title of the table of contents:
- To choose the listings for the table of contents:
- To format the entries in the table of contents:
- To open the additional table of contents controls:
- To set the advanced Style options for each entry:
- To control the separator character:
- To alphabetize the table of contents:
- To indent the entries in a table of contents:
- To set the table of contents options:
- Creating an Index
- 11. Layers
- 12. Libraries
13. Tabs and Tables
- Inserting Tab Characters
- Setting Tab Stops
- Creating Tab Leaders
- Creating and Using Tables
- Navigating Through Tables
- Selecting Tables
Working with Rows and Columns
- To change the number of rows and columns:
- To insert columns into a table:
- To insert rows into a table:
- To insert rows as you type:
- To add columns as you drag the table edge:
- To add rows as you drag the table edge:
- To delete table columns:
- To delete table rows:
- To delete the entire table:
- To delete the content in table cells:
- To copy and paste the content in table cells:
- To change a single row height visually:
- To change all the rows visually:
- To set the row height numerically:
- To change the column width visually:
- To set the column width numerically:
- To automatically distribute columns:
- To automatically distribute rows:
- To set the keep options for rows:
- Adjusting Tables Within a Text Frame
- Working with Headers and Footers
- Adding Images to Tables
- Customizing Cells
- Setting Borders, Strokes, and Fills
- Alternating Strokes and Fills
- Adding Diagonal Lines in Cells
- Using the Table or Control palettes
14. Automating Text
- Changing Case
- Checking Spelling
Finding and Changing Text
- To set the Find/Change text strings:
- To apply the Find/Change changes:
- To ignore a Find/Change instance:
- To Find/Change metacharacters:
- To search for wildcard characters:
- To expand the Find/Change options:
- To search for formatting options:
- To set the replacement formatting options:
- To delete the formatting options:
- Find Dialog Box Settings
- Using the Story Editor
- Defining Styles
Paragraph Style Categories
- To define a paragraph style by example:
- To set the next paragraph style:
- To define a character style:
- To define a character style by example:
- To base one style on another:
- To duplicate a style:
- To set style keyboard shortcuts:
- To transfer styles from an InDesign document:
- To import styles with placed text:
- Applying Styles
- Overriding Styles
- Changing and Deleting Styles
- Automatic Drop Cap Styling
Using Nested Styles
- Understanding how Nested Styles work:
- To prepare to use Nested Styles:
- To apply the Nested Styles command to text:
- To set the repeating elements in a nested style:
- To manually insert the End Nested Style Character:
- To change the order of multiple nested styles:
- To apply nested styles in a paragraph style:
- Using the Eyedropper on Text
- Creating Tagged Text
- Using Find Font
- Keeping Lines Together
- Using Scripts
- 15. Typography Controls
- 16. Color Management
17. Interactive PDF Elements
- Types of Interactive Elements
Defining Hyperlinks
- To choose the type of hyperlink:
- To create a page destination:
- To create a text anchor destination:
- To create a URL destination:
- To edit a destination:
- To create a hyperlink from an existing destination:
- To choose a page destination:
- To create an unnamed page destination:
- To choose a text anchor destination:
- To choose a previously defined URL destination:
- To create an unnamed URL destination:
- To choose the appearance of a hyperlink:
- To edit hyperlinks:
- To reset the hyperlink source:
- To update the hyperlink to an external document:
- Working with Hyperlinks
- Working with Bookmarks
- Adding Sounds
- Adding Movies
- Movie Display Options
- Creating Buttons
- General Button Properties
Setting the Button States
- To add button states:
- To delete button states:
- To enable a state:
- To disable a state:
- To convert a state:
- To create new states using imported artwork:
- To edit button states using imported artwork:
- To change a button state by selecting the object:
- To delete the content from a button state:
- To apply the appearances to buttons:
- To modify the button themes:
- Applying Behaviors
- Deleting or Deactivating Behaviors
- Exporting Interactive PDFs
18. Output
- Printing a Document
- Print Dialog Box Categories
- Setting the General Print Options
- Choosing the Setup Controls
- Tiling Pages
- Setting Marks and Bleed
- Setting the Output Controls
- Working with Separations Preview
- Separation Preview Plate Settings
- Color Separations and Ink Manager
- Setting the Graphics Options
- Setting the Advanced Options
- Flattener Presets and Preview
- Working with Print Presets
- Creating a Print Summary
- Creating PostScript Files
- Creating a Preflight Report
- Packaging a Document
19. Exporting
- Setting the Export File Options
- Creating PDF Files
- PDF Export Options
- General PDF Options
- Compression PDF Options
- Advanced PDF Options
- Security PDF Options
- Working with PDF Presets
- Creating EPS Files
- InDesign Interchange Format
- Setting JPEG Export Options
- Exporting SVG Files
- Exporting Text
- Packaging for GoLive
20. Customizing InDesign
- Modifying Keyboard Shortcuts
- Setting the Preference Categories
- The 12 Preference Categories
- General Preferences
- Text Preferences
- Composition Preferences
- Units & Increments Preferences
- Grids Preferences
- Guides & Pasteboard Preferences
- Dictionary Preferences
- Spelling Preferences
- Display Performance Preferences
- File Handling
- Updates Preferences
- Configuring Plug-ins
- Keyboard Shortcuts
Product information
- Title: InDesign CS for Macintosh and Windows: Visual Quickstart Guide
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2003
- Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
- ISBN: 9780321213488
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