Appendix B. What's New in InDesign CS4
Changes to the InDesign interface
What's enhanced for document and object functions
New and revised text functions
Revamped preflight and output options
Enhancements to Web and multimedia functions
What's changed in InCopy functions
In its seventh major version (after 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 [CS], 4.0 [CS2], and 5.0 [CS3]), InDesign 6.0 — known formally as InDesign CS4 — has become a very strong page-layout program offering a broad range of flexible, powerful tools.
You can find a host of updated features in this latest release, as well as some key new features. Although the chapters in this book identify new features as they come up in discussing publishing techniques, this appendix brings the whole list to you in one place for easy browsing. The new features are arranged in the same order as this book because that reflects the basic workflow of publishing and the major functional divisions.
InDesign Interface
Adobe continued to fiddle with the new user interface introduced in InDesign CS3, so some of the controls over panels have changed in sometimes subtle ways. A bigger shift is evident in how document windows work.
Document windows, workspaces, and dialog boxes
InDesign has more predefined workspaces than before. The [Essentials] workspace is now the default, and it hides most features from you.
Workspaces now save not only the locations of open and docked panels, but also any custom menus in effect when you created the workspace.
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