Displaying a multicard deck

Now, we will demonstrate how to visualize a deck created with multiple cards. To do this, follow this sequence of steps:

  1. Update the index.html file and paste the following code into it:
<!DOCTYPE html><html ng-app=""><head>  <title>UI</title>  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">  <script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>  <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>  <script src="predix-uaa-client.js"></script>  <link rel="import" href="bower_components/px-card/px-card.html"/>  <link rel="import" href="device-card.html"/></head><body></body></html>
  1. Create the device-card.html file, which should contain the following code:
<dom-module id="device-card"> ...

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