Chapter 7Scenario Planning and Analyses
In Chapter 2, we briefly introduced the concept of fault tree analysis (FTA) and network analysis for evaluation of risks and consequences. The purpose of this chapter is to dig down further into those subjects and other subjects to demonstrate practical analytical techniques for scenario planning: how to analyze a network and how to perform security and hazard analysis by various methods. In this section, we will analyze the formulation and consequence of various types of incidents and demonstrate some of the practical ways to eliminate or reduce their consequences. We will look at fault tree and network analysis in a bit more detail, then move on to the requirements of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and finally consider consequence analyses and discuss the methods of evaluation and some of the software available for that analyses.
In this chapter, we will go further into specific methods to discuss risk assessment and hazard analysis techniques and disaster prevention as it applies to process operations and plant security and security management. It should be noted that in many instances, there is a substantial overlap between physical security and plant safety. No, we are not talking about worker safety, but process safety. The safety of the process has inherent implications that can affect the plant as a whole, and in the event of a disaster or serious process-related accident, the plant security force will play ...
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