3 Robotics: A Key Driver of Industry 4.0

Mojtaba Molla-Hosseinia, Marjan Hosseinib, Gholamreza Vossoughia, and Mahdi Sharifzadehc,*

a Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iranb Civil Engineering Department, Tehran University, Tehran, Iranc Sharif Energy, Water and Environment Institute (SEWEI), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran* Corresponding author. Sharif Energy, Water and Environment Institute (SEWEI), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3.1 Introduction

The concept of robotic mechanics dates back to classical times and the early 20th century [1]. Robotics is a field of study integrating computer science and engineering [1]. The aim of robotics is to help and assist humans in employing machines in the real world. Robotics consists of a diverse range of technical fields including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, mechatronics, information engineering, computer engineering, control engineering, and software engineering.

Robots can perform many delicate tasks of such complexity that are conventionally done by humans. Moreover, robots are a lot more accurate and efficient than humans in some tasks like producing things on large scale. They are also used in situations that might be dangerous or even mortal for humans. Bomb detection and deactivation, cleaning up hazardous materials, and performing actions in environments that are impossible for a human to survive (e.g., underwater, in space, ...

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