SQ Logic Can Use MSN to Complete WQEs
Initial State of MSN and SSN
When a RC QP is first created, its MSN and SSN are initialized as follows:
The RQ Logic sets its MSN = 000000h.
The SQ Logic sets its SSN = 000000h. The first WQE posted to the SQ has an SSN of one. As each WR is posted to the SQ, the SQ Logic assigns it the next sequential SSN.
MSN Change Indicates One or More Messages Completed
The responder QP's RQ Logic returns its current credit count and MSN value in each Ack packet's AETH (see Figure 17-6 on page 369). In Figure 17-21 on page 430 the first WQE posted to the requester QP's SQ Logic causes it to start a two-packet Send operation. The two packets have PSNs of 15 and 16, respectively:
The responder QP's RQ Logic receives the ...
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