- Acceptance/inclusion (relationship-based currency)
- Accordion method
- Accusation versus inquiry
- Agreement, reaching
- Ajamian, Richard
- Allen, Marcia
- Allies, assuming all to be potential (influence model component)
- Apple Computer
- Army After-Action Reviews
- Ashley, Monica
- Assistance (task-related currency)
- Athans, Alexander
- Austin, Anne
- Babitsky, Timlynn
- Barnes, Kim
- Barra, Mary
- Barriers to influence
- Behavior:
- contextual forces shaping
- personality and
- “A Better World”
- Bhat, Kavita
- Bhat, Sachin
- Borrowing on credit
- Boss
- approach to influencing
- cost-benefit analysis of relationship
- currencies valuable to
- as difficult colleague
- disagreeing without being insubordinate
- escalating issues to a common boss
- examples:
- disagreeing with the boss who wants to be in charge
- earning boss’s confidence
- gaining promotion from
- helping boss become more effective
- gaining coaching and development from
- heroic leadership model
- influence strategy (central principles)
- supervisor-subordinate versus partnership relationship
- “true grit” (being a worthy partner)
- typical issues
- “how can I get what I want from my boss in terms of improved job scope, challenge, or autonomy”
- “how can I help develop my boss”
- “my boss doesn’t want a partnership”
- “my boss is often wrong”
- “my boss resists my ideas for how to improve things in our area”
- utilizing partnership to gain responsibility/greater scope for your job
- ways you can limit yourself in influencing
- Bryant, Crystal
- Career backgrounds (understanding ...
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