About the Authors

Clever Girls is an esteemed content marketing and multi-million-dollar social media advertising agency that specializes in connecting top brands with influential women online. Clever Girls connects large brands such as Disney, Proctor & Gamble, Unilever, Ford, GAP, and Office Depot with its network of more than 7,000 women to create award-winning and data-driven influencer campaigns.

Kristy Sammis: Kristy Sammis is Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Clever Girls. Kristy co-founded the company in 2009 because she is passionate about the ways in which friends, strangers, and organizations intersect online. She is a staunch advocate for keeping social media social.

In her Chief Innovator role, Kristy has been responsible for developing Clever Girls’ network, platform, product and service offerings, marketing and sales strategies, and brand voice.

Kristy has spent the better part of the last decade translating the amazing aspects of social media — those embodied by the #Batkid phenomenon that Clever Girls spearheaded — into business principles: notably, that authenticity rules, “users” are actually human beings, and great stories always win the day.

An industry pioneer, Kristy has been instrumental in shaping how brands connect with women online. Prior to launching Clever Girls, she was an integral member of the original team at BlogHer.com, responsible for ensuring the success of the world’s first and largest women’s blogging conferences (which means she developed ...

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