
The Critical Mind-Set to Overcome Power Gaps

Is it really possible to form a partnership with a powerful or antagonistic person? Yes, it is! And we’ll tell you how. First, it will help if we explain just what we mean by partnership, why it is important, and how it can improve your influence attempts.

The Gaps That Make Influence Necessary

Organizations have power differentials built into their structure. Roles come with varying levels of formal authority and varying access to resources, support, and information; these differentials are necessary for organizations to function. Nevertheless, large power differentials can frustrate those in the lower positions.

This is the case in most subordinate-boss relationships. The parties are supposed to work together, but that often becomes problematic. Though specifics vary from one organization to the next, there are a variety of ways to overcome these issues. The best way by far is to aim for a true partnership with the higher-power person. Whether or not this partnership actually happens, it is important to at least try. If successful, you can build for the future and set the tone for influencing others.

The Meaning of Partnership

An experience of one of the authors presents a good example to use in defining “partnership.” Years ago, a medium-sized law firm hired him to address some internal conflict. He began the intervention by conducting individual interviews, and he was struck by the way the lawyers said the word ...

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