Color indicates category. Each inline image is one book and each inline image is an article or other media.

A chart in the form of a bar graph showing the distribution of references according to the following categories (in decreasing order): philosophy of science and life; charts, maps, and diagrams; design for the senses; statistics, data, and machines; narrative story telling; history, research, et cetera; and novels and other fiction.
  1. inline image Abbott, Edwin. Flatland: A Romance in Many Dimensions. London: Seeley & Co, 1884.
  2. inline image Alexander, Christopher. The Phenomenon of Life: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe. Berkeley, CA: Center for Environmental Structure, 2002.
  3. inline image Alikhani, Malihe, and Matthew Stone. “Arrows Are The Verbs Of Diagrams.” Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (2018): 3552-3563.
  4. inline image Andrews, Elizabeth, message to author, Jun, 2018.
  5. inline image Anscombe, FJ. “Graphs in Statistical Analysis.” The American Statistician 27, no. 1 (1973): 17-21.
  6.  Arendt, Hannah. ...

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