News and Opinion

We’ve grouped these two categories together because, after all, opinions usually have some genesis in recent news, and what news is truly objective? The recent advent of blogs has further muddied the distinctions between news and opinion, as blogs are so personal in perspective. So while some of these resources tend more toward news or toward opinion, none is exclusively one or the other.



Only a year old, Michael Angeles’s news service has emerged as one of the two or three most essential information architecture resources. Absolutely indispensable for keeping up on the field, iaslash provides daily updates on new articles, books, sites, and tools, as well as other fresh information architecture news. It’s remarkable that one person can cover so much on a daily basis, and we hope that Michael can maintain his pace. Also available via email.

InfoDesign News Flashes

Like Michael Angeles, Peter Bogaards deserves acclaim for his regular, consistent, and expert filtering of an incredibly huge amount of material. His service covers a broader scope than iaslash, including information design, usability, visual design, and information visualization as well as information architecture. Also available via email.

Tomalak’s Realm

Established in 1998, Lawrence Lee’s news service is “a daily source of links to strategic web design stories.” Tomalak’s Realm focuses on happenings ...

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