Information Modeling and Relational Databases, 3rd Edition

Book description

Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Third Edition, provides an introduction to ORM (Object-Role Modeling) and much more. In fact, it is the only book to go beyond introductory coverage and provide all of the in-depth instruction you need to transform knowledge from domain experts into a sound database design. This book is intended for anyone with a stake in the accuracy and efficacy of databases: systems analysts, information modelers, database designers and administrators, and programmers. Dr. Terry Halpin and Dr. Tony Morgan, pioneers in the development of ORM, blend conceptual information with practical instruction that will let you begin using ORM effectively as soon as possible. The all-new Third Edition includes coverage of advances and improvements in ORM and UML, nominalization, relational mapping, SQL, XML, data interchange, NoSQL databases, ontological modeling, and post-relational databases. Supported by examples, exercises, and useful background information, the authors’ step-by-step approach teaches you to develop a natural-language-based ORM model, and then, where needed, abstract ER and UML models from it. This book will quickly make you proficient in the modeling technique that is proving vital to the development of accurate and efficient databases that best meet real business objectives.

"This book is an excellent introduction to both information modeling in ORM and relational databases. The book is very clearly written in a step-by-step manner and contains an abundance of well-chosen examples illuminating practice and theory in information modeling. I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in conceptual modeling and databases." — Dr. Herman Balsters, Director of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

  • Presents the most in-depth coverage of object-role modeling, including a thorough update of the book for the latest versions of ORM, ER, UML, OWL, and BPMN modeling.
  • Includes clear coverage of relational database concepts as well as the latest developments in SQL, XML, information modeling, data exchange, and schema transformation.
  • Case studies and a large number of class-tested exercises are provided for many topics.
  • Includes all-new chapters on data file formats and NoSQL databases.

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Foreword
  6. Foreword
  7. Foreword
  8. Preface
    1. Online resources
    2. ORM software
    3. Acknowledgments
  9. 1 Introduction
    1. Abstract
    2. 1.1 Information Modeling
    3. 1.2 Information Modeling Approaches
    4. 1.3 Historical Background
    5. 1.4 The Relevant Skills
    6. 1.5 Summary
    7. References
  10. 2 Information Levels and Frameworks
    1. Abstract
    2. 2.1 Four Information Levels
    3. Exercise 2.1
    4. 2.2 The Conceptual Level
    5. Exercise 2.2
    6. 2.3 Database Design Example
    7. 2.4 Development Frameworks
    8. 2.5 Summary
    9. References
  11. 3 Conceptual Modeling: First Steps
    1. Abstract
    2. 3.1 Conceptual Modeling Language Criteria
    3. 3.2 Conceptual Schema Design Procedure
    4. 3.3 CSDP Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts
    5. Exercise 3.3
    6. 3.4 CSDP Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate
    7. Exercise 3.4
    8. 3.5 CSDP Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations
    9. Exercise 3.5
    10. 3.6 Summary
    11. References
  12. 4 Uniqueness Constraints
    1. Abstract
    2. 4.1 Introduction to CSDP Step 4
    3. 4.2 Uniqueness Constraints on Unaries and Binaries
    4. Exercise 4.2
    5. 4.3 Uniqueness Constraints on Longer Fact Types
    6. Exercise 4.3
    7. 4.4 External Uniqueness Constraints
    8. Exercise 4.4
    9. 4.5 Arity Checks
    10. Exercise 4.5
    11. 4.6 Projections and Joins
    12. Exercise 4.6
    13. 4.7 Summary
    14. References
  13. 5 Mandatory Roles
    1. Abstract
    2. 5.1 Introduction to CSDP Step 5
    3. 5.2 Mandatory and Optional Roles
    4. Exercise 5.2
    5. 5.3 Reference Schemes
    6. Exercise 5.3
    7. 5.4 Case Study: A Compact Disc Retailer
    8. Exercise 5.4
    9. 5.5 Logical Derivation Check
    10. Exercise 5.5
    11. 5.6 Summary
    12. References
  14. 6 Value, Set-Comparison, and Subtype Constraints
    1. Abstract
    2. 6.1 Introduction to CSDP Step 6
    3. 6.2 Basic Set Theory
    4. 6.3 Value Constraints and Independent Types
    5. Exercise 6.3
    6. 6.4 Subset, Equality, and Exclusion Constraints
    7. Exercise 6.4
    8. 6.5 Subtyping
    9. Exercise 6.5
    10. 6.6 Generalization of Object Types
    11. Exercise 6.6
    12. 6.7 Summary
    13. References
  15. 7 Other Constraints and Final Checks
    1. Abstract
    2. 7.1 Introduction to CSDP Step 7
    3. 7.2 Frequency Constraints
    4. Exercise 7.2
    5. 7.3 Ring Constraints
    6. Exercise 7.3
    7. 7.4 Other Constraints and Rules
    8. Exercise 7.4
    9. 7.5 Final Checks
    10. Exercise 7.5
    11. 7.6 Summary
    12. References
  16. 8 Entity-Relationship Modeling
    1. Abstract
    2. 8.1 Overview of ER
    3. 8.2 Barker Notation
    4. 8.3 Information Engineering Notation
    5. 8.4 IDEF1X
    6. 8.5 Mapping from ORM to ER
    7. Exercise 8.5
    8. 8.6 Summary
    9. References
  17. 9 Data Modeling in UML
    1. Abstract
    2. 9.1 Introduction
    3. 9.2 Object-Orientation
    4. 9.3 Attributes
    5. 9.4 Associations
    6. 9.5 Set-Comparison Constraints
    7. 9.6 Subtyping
    8. 9.7 Other Constraints and Derivation Rules
    9. 9.8 Mapping from ORM to UML
    10. Exercise 9.8
    11. 9.9 Summary
    12. References
  18. 10 Advanced Modeling Issues
    1. Abstract
    2. 10.1 Join Constraints
    3. Exercise 10.1
    4. 10.2 Deontic Rules
    5. Exercise 10.2
    6. 10.3 Temporality
    7. Exercise 10.3
    8. 10.4 Collection Types
    9. Exercise 10.4
    10. 10.5 Nominalization and Objectification
    11. Exercise 10.5
    12. 10.6 Open/Closed World Semantics
    13. Exercise 10.6
    14. 10.7 Higher-Order Types
    15. Exercise 10.7
    16. 10.8 Further Constraints Involving Subtyping
    17. 10.9 Summary
    18. References
  19. 11 Relational Mapping
    1. Abstract
    2. 11.1 Implementing a Conceptual Schema
    3. 11.2 Relational Schemas
    4. Exercise 11.2
    5. 11.3 Relational Mapping Procedure
    6. Exercise 11.3
    7. 11.4 Advanced Mapping Aspects
    8. Exercise 11.4
    9. 11.5 Summary
    10. References
  20. 12 Relational Languages
    1. Abstract
    2. 12.1 SQL: Relational Algebra
    3. Exercise 12.1
    4. 12.2 Relational Database Systems
    5. 12.3 SQL: Historical and Structural Overview
    6. 12.4 SQL: Identifiers and Data Types
    7. Exercise 12.4
    8. 12.5 SQL: Choosing Columns, Rows, and Order
    9. Exercise 12.5
    10. 12.6 SQL: Joins
    11. Exercise 12.6
    12. 12.7 SQL: in, between, like, and is null Operators
    13. Exercise 12.7
    14. 12.8 SQL: Union and Simple Subqueries
    15. Exercise 12.8
    16. 12.9 SQL: Scalar Operators and Bag Functions
    17. Exercise 12.9
    18. 12.10 SQL: Grouping
    19. Exercise 12.10
    20. 12.11 SQL: Correlated and Existential Subqueries
    21. Exercise 12.11
    22. 12.12 SQL: Recursive Queries
    23. 12.13 SQL: Updating Table Populations
    24. 12.14 Summary
    25. References
  21. 13 Other Database Features
    1. Abstract
    2. 13.1 SQL: The Bigger Picture
    3. 13.2 SQL: Defining Tables
    4. 13.3 SQL: Views
    5. Exercise 13.3
    6. 13.4 SQL: Triggers
    7. Exercise 13.4
    8. 13.5 SQL: Routines
    9. Exercise 13.5
    10. 13.6 More Database Objects
    11. 13.7 Transactions and Concurrency
    12. 13.8 Security and Metadata
    13. 13.9 Summary
    14. References
  22. 14 Schema Transformations
    1. Abstract
    2. 14.1 Schema Equivalence and Optimization
    3. 14.2 Predicate Specialization and Generalization
    4. Exercise 14.2
    5. 14.3 Nesting, Coreferencing, and Flattening
    6. Exercise 14.3
    7. 14.4 Other Transformations
    8. Exercise 14.4
    9. 14.5 Conceptual Schema Optimization
    10. Exercise 14.5
    11. 14.6 Normalization
    12. Exercise 14.6
    13. 14.7 Denormalization and Low-Level Optimization
    14. Exercise 14.7
    15. 14.8 Reengineering
    16. Exercise 14.8
    17. 14.9 Data Migration and Query Transformation
    18. Exercise 14.9
    19. 14.10 Summary
    20. References
  23. 15 Process and State Modeling
    1. Abstract
    2. 15.1 Modeling Dynamic Behavior
    3. 15.2 Processes and Workflow
    4. 15.3 Foundations for Process Theory
    5. 15.4 State Models
    6. 15.5 Modeling Information Dynamics in UML
    7. 15.6 Business Process Standards Initiatives
    8. 15.7 Business Process Model and Notation
    9. 15.8 Standard Process Patterns
    10. 15.9 Process Models, Databases, and ORM
    11. 15.10 Decision Model and Notation
    12. Exercise 15.10
    13. 15.11 Summary
    14. References
  24. 16 Data File Formats
    1. Abstract
    2. 16.1 External Data Structures
    3. 16.2 XML
    4. Exercise 16.2
    5. 16.3 JSON
    6. 16.4 Other Markup Languages
    7. 16.5 XML, JSON, and ORM
    8. 16.6 Summary
    9. References
  25. 17 NoSQL and Other Nonrelational Databases
    1. Abstract
    2. 17.1 The Growth of the NoSQL Movement
    3. 17.2 Key-Value Stores
    4. 17.3 Column-Oriented Databases
    5. 17.4 Document Databases
    6. 17.5 Graph Databases
    7. 17.6 Other Nonrelational Databases
    8. 17.7 Summary
    9. References
  26. 18 Other Modeling Aspects and Trends
    1. Abstract
    2. 18.1 Introduction
    3. 18.2 Data Warehousing and OLAP
    4. 18.3 Conceptual Query Languages
    5. 18.4 Schema Abstraction Mechanisms
    6. 18.5 Further Design Aspects
    7. 18.6 Ontologies and the Semantic Web
    8. 18.7 Metamodeling
    9. Exercise 18.7
    10. 18.8 Summary
    11. References
  27. ORM Glossary
  28. UML Glossary
  29. ER Glossary
  30. Useful websites
    1. Fact-oriented modeling (general)
    2. Fact-oriented modeling tools
    3. Business rules, data management, and data architecture frameworks
    4. IDEF1X, SQL, XML, RDF, JSON, and OWL
    5. UML, OCL, MDA, and SBVR
    6. Workflow modeling
  31. Bibliography
    1. Bibliography
    2. Entries marked with an asterisk “*” are accessible online at
  32. Index

Product information

  • Title: Information Modeling and Relational Databases, 3rd Edition
  • Author(s): Terry Halpin, Tony Morgan
  • Release date: July 2024
  • Publisher(s): Morgan Kaufmann
  • ISBN: 9780443237911