
Unlike the problem facing the Superb Fairy-Wren (front cover), most information security problems we humans face are not matters of life and death (for more on the Wren's problem, please see the critical thinking question in chapter 9). However, they are vexing, expensive and frequent enough to make information security a contemporary profession and the topic of information security a worthwhile subject to study.

This book is designed to serve as the textbook for a one-semester course devoted to information security. It is focused on helping students acquired the skills sought in the professional workforce.

We start by introducing the professional environment of information security. After the student is convinced of the merits of the subject, the book introduces the basic model of information security consisting of assets, vulnerabilities, threats and controls. The rest of the course is devoted to characterizing assets, vulnerabilities and threats and responding to them using security controls. The book ends by integrating all these topics within the general umbrella of organizational risk management. At the end of the course, students should have an awareness of how information security concerns have evolved in our society and how they can use contemporary frameworks to respond to these concerns in a professional environment.

The book comes with a full set of end-of-chapter exercises. There are five kinds of exercises at the end of every chapter:

  1. Traditional end-of-chapter ...

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