8 Key Authentication Schemes for Medical Cyber Physical System
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Security Objectives for Medical CPS
- 8.2.1 Mutual Authentication
- 8.2.2 Data Freshness
- 8.2.3 Forward Security
- 8.2.4 Data Authenticity
- 8.2.5 Data Integrity
- 8.2.6 Data Confidentiality
- 8.2.7 Unforgeability
- 8.2.8 Scalability
- 8.3 Security Challenges for Medical CPS
- 8.3.1 Resource Constraint (Gupta et al., 2019)
- 8.3.2 Denial of Service Attack (Alguliyev et al., 2018)
- 8.3.3 Impersonation Attack (Xu et al., 2019a,b)
- 8.3.4 Replay Attack (Kompara et al., 2019)
- 8.3.5 Eavesdropping Attack (Shen et al., 2018)
- 8.3.6 Compromised Nodes and Clone Attack (Xu et al., 2019a,b)
- 8.3.7 Anonymous and ...
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