Monitoring Threads

Onstat -g ath Print all Threads

This option to onstat will print all information about all user threads in the instance.

 $onstat -g ath Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.30.UC3 -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 22:12:02 -- 18464 Kbytes Threads: tid Tcb rstcb prty status vp-class name 2 c19ab050 0 2 sleeping forever 3lio vp 0 3 c19ab2c0 0 2 sleeping forever 4pio vp 0 4 c19ab558 0 2 sleeping forever 5aio vp 0 5 cl9ab7f0 0 2 sleeping forever 6msc vp 0 6 c19aba88 0 2 sleeping forever 7aio vp 1 7 c19abe40 cl8da018 4 sleeping secs: 1 1cpu main_loop() 8 cl9c3810 0 2 running 1cpu soctcppoll 9 cl9c3e20 0 3 sleeping forever 1cpu soctcplst 10 cl9c64c8 cl8da4cc 2 sleeping forever 1cpu flush_sub(0) 11 cl9c6c20 0 2 sleeping forever 8aio vp 2 12 ...

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