Dbspace and Chunk Information
Now let's look at the SMI tables that contain information about your disk space, chunks, and dbspace. There are four tables that contain this data.
• Sysdbspaces | DB Spaces |
• syschunks | Chunks |
• syschkio | I/O by Chunk |
• syschfree* | Free Space by Chunk |
Note: Syschfree is not a supported table.
Dbspace configuration: sysdbspaces
The sysmaster database has three key tables containing dbspace and chunk information. The first one is sysdbspaces. This is a view that interprets the underlying table sysdbstab. Sysdbspaces serves two purposes: it translates a bit field containing flags into separate columns where 1 equals yes and 0 equals no, and, it allows the underlying table to change between releases without having to change ...
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