Innovation and New Product Planning

Book description

This practical book introduces readers to the essential business aspects of innovation and new product planning. The product planning process is discussed across two broad themes: product development and product management. Importantly, the book emphasizes the 21st-century strategic and creative mindset necessary to drive business innovation activities in a concise, yet comprehensive manner.

The book delves into the front end of innovation and formal product development activities, examining the topics of opportunity identification, concept generation and evaluation, technical development, product design, testing, launch strategies, product management, life cycle management, brand management, and vital elements for international success. There are stand-alone notes that serve to apprise readers on related topics such as the use of agile product development methodologies, the formation of business entities, and recommended best practices for new product development. The book excels at providing relevant examples and applied tools that augment the concepts to offer valuable connections to real-world product planning efforts.

This book is particularly useful as a guide to learning the fundamental concepts and strategies associated with innovation and new product planning. Among student audiences, upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students are likely to benefit as the book embraces its position to serve as a primer on product development and management.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Part Titles and Overviews
  8. Part I Product Planning at the Business Unit Level
    1. 1 Innovation and Product Planning
      1. Definition of Product Planning
      2. Roles of Product Planning
      3. Product, Service, or Both
      4. What Is a Product?
      5. Defining Product by the Nature of Innovation
      6. Defining Product by the Nature of Market Demand
      7. Defining Product by the Company’s Internal Perspective
      8. Defining What Is Meant by “New Product”
      9. The Growing Emphasis on Innovation and Product Planning
      10. Why Are Innovation and Product Planning Difficult?
      11. Discussion Questions
      12. Case Discussion for Chapter 1
      13. References
    2. 2 Culture and People
      1. Department Responsibilities
      2. Organizational Culture
      3. Interdepartmental Integration
      4. Organizational Structure
      5. Team Types
      6. Distinguishing the Core Team, Ad Hoc Team, and Extended Team
      7. Team Roles
      8. Factors for Team Effectiveness
      9. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Discussion for Chapter 2
      11. References
    3. 3 Product Planning Strategy and Process
      1. The Strategic Planning Process
      2. New Product Strategy
      3. The Product Development Process
      4. Implementing a Product Development Process
      5. Evaluating the Product Development Process
      6. Initiatives to Reduce Cost or Time
      7. Discussion Questions
      8. Case Discussion for Chapter 3
      9. References
  9. Part II The Front End of Innovation
    1. 4 Opportunity Identification and MARKET Planning
      1. Overview of Opportunity Identification
      2. Sources of Opportunity
      3. Segmentation of the Market and Technology
        1. Market Segmentation
        2. Empirical Methods for Market Segmentation: Similarity and Dissimilarity Analyses
        3. Technology Segmentation
      4. The Product Innovation Charter
      5. Screening the PIC
        1. Sample Market-Related Criteria
        2. Sample Technology-Related Criteria
      6. Overview of Market Planning
      7. The Situation Analysis
        1. Industry Analysis
          1. Considering Other Factors
        2. Competitor Analysis
          1. Identifying Competitors
          2. Assessing Competitor Abilities
        3. Company Analysis
        4. Customer Analysis
        5. Sales Analysis
      8. Marketing Mix Activities
        1. Key Product Issues
        2. Key Distribution Issues
        3. Key Promotion Issues
        4. Key Pricing Issues
      9. Estimating a Marketing Budget
      10. Discussion Questions
      11. Case Discussion for Chapter 4
      12. References
    2. 5 Concept Generation
      1. The Product Concept Statement
      2. Concept Generation Techniques
        1. Needs Assessment
        2. Scenario Analysis
        3. Group Creativity
        4. Attribute Analysis
          1. Determinant Gap Analysis
          2. Perceptual Gap Analysis
        5. Relationship Analysis
          1. Two-Dimensional Matrix
          2. Morphological Analysis
          3. Conjoint Analysis (Trade-Off Analysis)
        6. Lateral Search
      3. Creativity
      4. Discussion Questions
      5. Case Discussion for Chapter 5
      6. References
    3. 6 Concept Evaluation
      1. Product Innovation Charter Review
      2. Concept Testing
      3. Scoring Models
      4. Snake Plots
      5. Financial Analysis
        1. ATAR Model
        2. Applying the ATAR Model to Other Business Contexts
        3. ECV Approach
      6. Summary
      7. Discussion Questions
      8. Case Discussion for Chapter 6
      9. References
  10. Part III Formal Product Development
    1. 7 Technical Development
      1. The Product Protocol
      2. “Design for Excellence” (DFX) during Technical Development
      3. Key Techniques to Aid Technical Development: Quality Function Deployment
      4. The Theory of Innovative Problem-Solving
      5. The Kano Model
        1. Quantifying the Kano Model
      6. Product Use Testing
        1. Structuring a Product Use Test
      7. Discussion Questions
      8. Case Discussion for Chapter 7
      9. References
    2. 8 Design
      1. Defining What Is Meant by Design
      2. Product Design Situations
      3. Design Thinking
      4. Design Disciplines
        1. Industrial Design
          1. Industrial Design through the Development Process
        2. Graphic Design
        3. Interior Design
      5. Discussion Questions
      6. Case Discussion for Chapter 8
      7. References
    3. 9 Commercialization and Launch
      1. Market Testing
        1. Pseudo-Sale
        2. Controlled Sale
        3. Full Scale
      2. Understanding the Launch Phenomenon
      3. The Launch Cycle
      4. Prelaunch Preparation: Launch Control Protocol
      5. Plotting the Launch Process
      6. New Product Forecasting
        1. New Product Forecasting Techniques
          1. Judgmental Techniques
          2. Quantitative Techniques: Time Series
          3. Quantitative Techniques: “Causal”/Regression Modeling
          4. Quantitative Techniques: Unique Methodologies
          5. Customer or Market Research Techniques
        2. New Product Forecasting Accuracy
        3. The New Product Forecasting Process
      7. Discussion Questions
      8. Case Discussion for Chapter 9
      9. References
  11. Part IV Product Management
    1. 10 Life Cycle Management
      1. The Product Life Cycle
      2. Strategic Considerations during the Maturity Stage
      3. Strategic Considerations during Product Decline
      4. Product Families, Product Platforms, and the Product Mix Map
      5. Product Proliferation
      6. Discussion Questions
      7. Case Discussion for Chapter 10
      8. References
    2. 11 Brand Management
      1. A Brand Equity Framework
      2. Brand Loyalty
      3. Brand Awareness
      4. Perceived Quality
      5. Brand Associations
      6. Market Behavior Measures
        1. A Brand Decision Framework
      7. The Brand-Switching Matrix
      8. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Discussion for Chapter 11
      10. References
    3. 12 Global Product Management
      1. Overview of Global Considerations
      2. Understanding Global Culture and Language
      3. Global Launch Considerations
      4. Global Product Development Teams
      5. Sustainable Product Development
      6. Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Product Development
      7. Discussion Questions
      8. Case Discussion for Chapter 12
      9. References
  12. Part V Supplementary Notes on Innovation and Product Planning
    1. Note 1 What Is Innovation?
      1. Innovation as an Outcome
      2. Innovation as a Process
      3. Innovation as a Mindset
      4. Summary
      5. References
    2. Note 2 Agile (and Lean) Methods in Product Development
      1. Agile Product Development
        1. Highlights of Agile Methodologies
        2. Adopting an Agile Framework
      2. Lean Start-Up Methodology
      3. Reference
    3. Note 3 Intellectual Property
      1. Patent
      2. Trade Secret
      3. Trademark Protection
      4. Copyright Protection
    4. Note 4 Public Policy Considerations
      1. Environmental Concerns
      2. Morality
      3. Product Performance and Customer Service
      4. Product Liability
      5. Managing Public Policy Issues
    5. Note 5 Business Entity Formation
      1. Sole Proprietorship
      2. C Corporation
      3. B Corporation
      4. S Corporation
      5. General Partnership
      6. Limited Partnership
      7. Limited Liability Partnership
      8. Limited Liability Company
    6. Note 6 New Product Development Best Practices
      1. The Multidimensional Nature of NPD Practice
      2. NPD Best Practice Framework
      3. Getting to NPD Best Practice
      4. References
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Innovation and New Product Planning
  • Author(s): Kenneth B. Kahn, Mayoor Mohan
  • Release date: December 2020
  • Publisher(s): Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781000327328