

Active Aeroelastic Wing (AAW), 39–40
active lift control, 170
active thickness control, 170–1
actuated surface roughness dynamic roughness elements, 43
Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI), 39–40
Advanced Qualification Program (AQP), 142
Aerion Corporation, 183
aero gas turbine, 236
aeroballistic range, 169
aerodynamic efficiency, 124
aerodynamics, 173–82
aircraft morphing concept and technology, 37–53
developments, 37–8
future trends, 52–3
morphing component technologies, 47–52
NASA research in morphing aircraft structure, 38–40
resurgence, 40–7
cruise efficiency, 173
design and integration, 179–82
constrained boom configuration, 180
critical wing packaging area, 179
swing wing structural analysis, 181
unconstrained boom ...

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