Principle 5: Manage and Leverage Knowledge
Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sun-dial in the shade?
—Benjamin Franklin
©Copyright 2010 Bob Paladino Associates LLC.
Principle 5, Manage and Leverage Knowledge, focuses on capturing and reusing enterprisewide intellectual property to leverage the organization’s best minds, best practices, and of course innovations. As enterprises increasingly rely on knowledge workers, it is essential to have core knowledge management (KM) processes embedded in the organization to capture and propagate best-in-class and world-class results. These processes are augmented by mentoring, high potential, and employee development programs. Key influences for development of this section were my Crown KM or enterprise content management (ECM) program, but particularly the KM expertise shared selflessly by Carla O’Dell, president of APQC, and her talented KM team. In concert with Principle 3, if your Balanced Scorecard (BSC) informs you of a location that performs in the top quartile or decile, then it is advantageous to understand, document, and replicate this location’s winning formula and realize the multiplier of many locations. Similarly, Principle 4, Improve Performance team outputs will provide innovations and best practices to raise performance.

CPM Core Process Blueprint and CPM Key Process Roles

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