13Improving Wireless Sensor Networks Effectiveness with Artificial Intelligence

Piyush Raja1*, Santosh Kumar2, Digvijay Singh1 and Taresh Singh3

1Department of CSE, COER University, Roorkee, India

2PSIT College of Higher Education, Kanpur, India

3GRD IMT, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India


Although Artificial Intelligence’s key goal is to create systems that mimic a person’s intellectual and social ability, Distributed Artificial Intelligence follows similar objective then with an emphasis scheduled social principles. A concept of multiagent networks is a new model designed for improvement of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Multi-agent structures are composed of several interconnected intelligent systems called agents that can be deployed as software, a dedicated computer, or a robot. In a multi-agent environment, intelligent Agent exchange information with one another in order to coordinate their organisation, delegate assignments, and share information. Multi-agent systems, artificial societies, and simulated organizations are all part of a new computing paradigm that includes issues like cooperation and competition, coordination, collaboration, communication and language protocols, negotiation, consensus creation, conflict detection and resolution, and collective intelligence activities carried out by mediators (e.g. problem solving, preparation, knowledge, decision constructing in distributed method), cognitive multiple intellect actions, social then active constructing, ...

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