Chapter 1

Winning Traits of Innovative Presentations

In This Chapter

arrow Identifying the type of presentation

arrow Striving for effectiveness and efficiency

arrow Delivering a clear, concise message

arrow Understanding the three key presentation elements

A formal presentation is when you make a speech at a conference or introduce your product or service to a potential client, in each case accompanied by visuals in the form of slides, videos, or props. However, when you hone your presentation skills, you find you can use them when you talk about a project in a staff meeting, when you introduce yourself at a networking event, or when you ask for donations for your favorite charity. In this chapter, we outline the different types of business presentations and introduce you to the concepts that make an innovative presentation, which we cover in depth in other chapters of this book.

Understanding the Different Types of Business Presentations

In business, any structured conversation with a specific goal and strategy can be construed as a presentation, however informal.

For example, when someone asks, “What ...

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