
common value, 105, 112–114

Dutch, 103–104, 108–112, 114

economics behind, 105–114

English, 103–104, 106, 108–109, 111, 113–114

first-price, sealed bid, 104, 108–110, 112, 114

private value, 105–106

second-price, sealed bid, 104–108, 111, 114



impact of, 69–70

market demand, 65–66, 74

pure vs. mixed, 72–75

ramifications for, 69, 72

in telecommunications industry, 64

two-part tariff, 79–83

and tying, 75–79

Business manager, 5–9


Change in price

complementary good, 16

substitute good, 15

Common value auction, 105, 112–114

Complementary good, 16

Consumer surplus

definition of, 17

graphical representation of, 18

individual demand, 19

market demand, 19–20

and profit-maximizing quantity, 41

and revenue

quantity discounts, ...

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