One Last Time: It's All About Differentiation

We conclude our story where we began—talking about the power of sales teams. We have spoken at length about how teams typically do better than individuals. We explained how, when sales teams leverage their resources, they outperform the competition. Teams have an extraordinary ability to thoroughly understand each of their customers' needs. They can use what they learn to craft exciting and innovative solutions. As a result they can clearly distinguish themselves. If one company is pursuing an opportunity using a collection of individuals, and another is using a well organized sales team, it won't be much of a contest. The team should win almost every time.

As we wind down, let's review some of the ways that teams can differentiate themselves. The following dozen thoughts summarize much of what was discussed throughout this book. Even more significant, you will notice how these activities enable sales teams to play a major role in pursuing and winning new business opportunities.

Everyone knows that competition gets tougher every day. The global marketplace in which we find ourselves has made conducting our business more difficult than we ever imagined. Technology moves at such a rapid pace that today's solutions are almost obsolete overnight. But as daunting as all this is, we can never forget that the single biggest differentiator that any company has is its people. That is an asset that only your company has. You and your colleagues ...

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