Connecting to MetaFrame by Using IPX/SPX

The IPX protocol is commonly found on many Novell NetWare networks. Although TCP/IP is now fully supported by Novell, many shops still need to support IPX/SPX for backward compatibility. Citrix MetaFrame fully supports IPX/SPX connections to the server from IPX/SPX clients. This section discusses some of the details of how IPX/SPX works in a Citrix MetaFrame environment and how to set up a connection to a Citrix server using IPX/SPX.

Browsing for Citrix Services Using IPX/SPX

A MetaFrame server advertises itself on an IPX/SPX network by using the Service Advertising Protocol (SAP). With SAP, each type of service available on a network uses a unique SAP number to advertise itself. MetaFrame uses SAP number ...

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