Chapter 1. How to Create the Most Unusual and Unforgettable Marketing of Your Life

Joe Vitale and Craig Perrine

Joe: I've written countless books on marketing methods, techniques, tools, and tricks. And they all work. But I've gone past all that now. I now use a different method of creating sales letters, web sites, and more—and this new method works better than anything I've ever done in the past.

To help me explain this powerful, fun, and creative new approach to marketing, I'm going to interview my maverick marketer friend, Craig Perrine. Craig has strong credentials. He's a master list builder, famous Internet marketer, popular speaker, and a nice guy, to boot.

I'm very excited about this because we're going to break new ground. We're going to be talking about a new technique, a new way of living, a new way of being, a new way of thinking. Something you may never have even considered before. Something you've probably not heard about before. I think I'm going to be like the scout riding in with this message for you today.

Craig is one of my longtime friends. He's somebody I interviewed for my Hypnotic Gold special edition ( a while back where we examined an offer letter written by well-known advertising executive Bruce Barton that got a 100 percent response rate. It's in my book, The Seven Lost Secrets of Success, and we analyzed it to see what made it so successful.

And that became one of the most talked about, one of the most collectible Hypnotic Gold interviews ...

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