Chapter 14. Yes! It Can Be That Easy If You Say "Yes" to Inspiration

Suzanne Burns

The story Suzanne Burns shares in this chapter is one of breathtaking transformation and inspiration. She managed to overcome fear and doubt, and launch an entirely inspiration-based web site while simultaneously running everything behind the scenes in the fast-paced world of Joe Vitale as his executive assistant and publicist.

You might assume that to accomplish all that, Suzanne would be stressed out and at her wit's end, and yet as you'll discover, she allows her journey to be easy and follows the doors the Universe opens.

Suzanne's story is further proof that you don't have to be a born marketer to follow inspired creation and that "money likes speed."

Read on and take note of the way Suzanne learned to listen to that inspired voice and you'll discover how rapidly things can change when you simply say "yes" to what that voice calls you to do.

Craig: I'm talking with Suzanne Burns here today, who has a very inspiring story. She is someone who I've really wanted to talk to about her latest project, because it's a perfect example of inspired marketing. Suzanne, would you mind introducing yourself?

Suzanne: Sure. I've been Dr. Joe Vitale's executive assistant and publicist for almost three years now. I don't know where all the time has gone. It has been a whirlwind adventure. And, I actually wouldn't have ever had this opportunity had it not been for you, Craig, because you are the one who actually introduced ...

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