Chapter 14

Ten Things Not to Do on Instagram


Bullet Avoiding common profile mistakes

Bullet Understanding the value of different app features

Bullet Applying Instagram etiquette rules to avoid annoying others

In this book, we provide lots of techniques to help you do well on Instagram. Sometimes, however, it helps to understand what not to do to ensure you create better content or build a better community with your followers.

If you want to make sure you make the best of Instagram, it can help to know what doesn’t work or what annoys other people so you can avoid those mistakes. With the advice in this chapter, you’ll avoid looking like a beginner!

Using the Same Name as Your Username

Nothing says “amateur” on Instagram faster than when your name and username are exactly the same.

The username (your @ name) is designed to be all lowercase and a string of words, names, or numbers perhaps separated by a period (.) or an underscore (_). The name of the account, however, should be in sentence format, utilizing capital letters, spacing, and even emojis.

If you want your username and your name to both be your actual name, your username might be @jenniferaniston while your name would be ...

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