1Green Economy and the Future in a Post-Pandemic World
Luke Gerard Christie1* and Deepa Cherian2
1VIT University, Chennai Campus Chennai, Tamil-Nadu, India
2Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India
The future to geo-political and geo-economic conundrums is by transforming current economies into inclusive and sustainable societies. In this race for global dominance and hegemony, policy makers must be wary of not forgetting institutional practices of conserving and preserving ecosystems and biospheres with pro-active and proper thinking. Governments that are in power must be sensible to realize that economies will eventually grow when more people join the formal and informal sectors, but the challenge is to have a planet that sustains our needs rather than addressing our greed. Legal systems must work harder in the 21st century to embed proper and critical thinking driven by an ecological conscience to preserve, conserve and protect the environment that sustains us. The technology that is being built and fashioned to drive businesses must submit to stringent ecological standards. With the rapid spread of Covid19, scientists are aware that humanity will be afflicted with more such zoonotic diseases primarily brought on by the global warming and climate change. Third world governments in their search for competing and contributing with the global economy forget the impending dangers of a cataclysmic warmer, hotter and unsustainable planet that will deprive burgeoning ...
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