6IOT-Based Smart Metering

Parth Bhargav1, Umar Ansari1, Fahad Nishat1 and O.V. Gnana Swathika2*

1School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India

2Centre for Smart Grid Technologies, School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India


Conventional metering demands a scenario where every month a person comes from the electricity department to the consumer’s premises to take the readings of the electricity meter and further generate a due bill for the previous month. This is a tiresome process because the person visits each and every house in that particular area and collects the readings. It takes a lot of time and demands a huge manpower requirement. Many times the end user also face problems like extra bill amount, notifications from the electricity department even though the bill has already been paid. To solve the aforementioned problems, a hybrid Internet of Things–based energy management system which eliminates the third party between the end user and the energy management companies is proposed in this paper. Nowadays, smart energy meters are manufactured by the companies that are internally connected to different sensors and constructed to measure electricity voltage, current and power consumption. The data obtained from the smart meter is transmitted to the Arduino microcontroller through wire and both are physically connected. The Wi-Fi module is attached to the Arduino so that it is connected to ...

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