13Comments-Based Analysis of a Bug Report Collection System and Its Applications

Arvinder Kaur and Shubhra Goyal

University School of Information and Communication Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India

13.1 Introduction

In the new regime of the world wide web, plenty of structured and unstructured data is available. Structured data is associated with a database while unstructured data can be textual or nontextual. The analysis of unstructured data to discern patterns and trends that are relevant to the users is known as text mining or text analytics. Text mining emerged in the late 1990s and discovers hidden relationships and complex patterns from large textual sources. It uses several techniques such as classification, decision trees, clustering, link analysis, and so on. These techniques can be applied to high-dimensional data using dimensionality reduction statistical techniques such as singular value decomposition and support vector machine. Text analytics is evolving rapidly and has become an asset for researchers as it is capable of addressing diverse challenges in all fields.

In this research work, text analytics is used to uncover various patterns and trends from software bug reports reported in issue tracking systems. The issue tracking system is used to track and record all kinds of issues such as bug, new features, enhancements, tasks, and sub-tasks, or any other complaint in the system. There exists different issue tracking systems ...

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