12Attacks and Security Measures in Wireless Sensor Network

Nikhil Sharma1, Ila Kaushik2*, Vikash Kumar Agarwal3, Bharat Bhushan4 and Aditya Khamparia5

1HMR Institute of Technology & Management, Delhi, India

2Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad, India

3RTC Institute of Technology, Ranchi, India

4School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India

5Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India


Wireless Sensor Network comprises of nodes that are randomly distributed over the network. This type of network operates over radio wave frequency band. The nodes are free to move in any direction as they do not require any fixed infrastructure. The characteristic features of the network are dynamic topology, no infrastructure, fast in operation, etc. But due to its increase in the network, these types of network are prone to many attacks. As security is considered as one of the main constraints in any type of network, it becomes very important to take into consideration the key elements of security which are availability, integrity and confidentiality. Confidentiality means that the data transfer in the network must be kept secret in any transmission process. Integrity implies that the sent data must be preserved during transmission process. Availability means the data must be made available in the network for transmission. Wireless network follows layered approach where different layers perform different functionalities. In this ...

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