Adding an object detection feature to an iOS app

Now perform the following steps to add the model files, label file, and code to the app and run to see the object detection in action:

  1. Drag and drop the three object detection model graphs, ssd_mobilenet_v1_frozen_inference_graph.pb, faster_rcnn_inceptionv2_frozen_inference_graph.pb, and faster_rcnn_resnet101_frozen_inference_graph.pb, we downloaded (and renamed here for clarification) in the previous section, as well as the mscoco_label_map.pbtxt label map file and a couple of test images, to the TFObjectDetectionAPI project.
  2. Add the and its .h files from the TensorFlow iOS sample simple app or the iOS app we created in the last chapter to the project.
  3. Download the Protocol ...

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