11Moving Target Defense Techniques for the IoT
Renzo E. NAVAS, Laurent TOUTAIN and Georgios Z. PAPADOPOULOS
IRISA, IMT Atlantique, Rennes, France
This chapter addresses cyberdefense techniques for the Internet of Things (IoT) based on the Moving Target Defense (MTD) paradigm. The MTD paradigm is intended to balance the current asymmetry – in terms of information – between a static system and unknown attackers. In a static system context, an attacker potentially has infinite time to find and exploit weaknesses in the system. To limit opportunities for attackers, MTD proposes actively dynamizing (previously static) resources. Indeed, in this dynamic system context, the validity of the information the attacker learns is now time-limited. A priori, this dynamism through design means the attacker needs to make more effort to succeed. Even though the use and development of MTD techniques is extensive in the bibliography, techniques adapted to the IoT remain limited.
In the course of this chapter, we will present the concepts linked to MTD in more detail, explore existing MTD techniques by prioritizing more particularly those that are designed to consider the specific constraints of the IoT, evaluate the feasibility of MTD as a cyberdefense tool for IoT systems-particularly in the domain of network layers – and present a generic framework to help with designing and implementing MTD techniques adapted to the IoT.
11.1. Introduction
The IoT is formed of billions of connected devices ...
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