
Chapter 1

Fig. 1.1 The marble answering machine. Adapted from Gillian Crampton Smith: “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle” ID Magazine, May/June 1995, pp. 60–65. Fig. 1.2(a) The TiVo remote. TiVo Inc. Fig. 1.3 Turn signal biking jacket using e-textiles developed by Leah Buechley. Photos courtesy of Leah Buechley. Fig. 1.5 Four different team members. Based on figure under section heading 32.1 Interdisciplinary Cooperation, Chapter by S. Kim in The Art of Human Interface Design, edited by B. Laurel ©1990 by Apple Computer, Inc. Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Fig. 1.6 Wireless cell phones for Telespree. IDEO, Fig. 1.7 The iPod Nano Touch ©Press Association, reproduced with permission. Fig. 1.8 Anna the online sales agent. Reproduced with permission from IKEA Ltd. Fig. 1.9(a) A safe and unsafe menu. Screenshots from QUALCOMM Eudora Products. Fig. 1.9(b) A warning dialog box for Mac OS X. Author screenshot. Fig. 1.10 A sign at the restrooms in Cincinnati airport. Photograph courtesy of Reproduced with permission. Fig. 1.11 Menu showing restricted availability of options. Adobe product box shot reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Fig. 1.12 Where do you plug the mouse and keyboard? Photograph courtesy of Reproduced with permission.

Chapter 2

Fig. 2.1(a) Combined GPS and TV system available in Korea. Photo courtesy of ...

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